music note

The Central Elementary Spring Concert will be held on Tuesday, May 21, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lake Forest High School Auditorium.

We would like to remind you that we do have a dress code for the evening. Students should wear a dress shirt with a collar, pants or a skirt/dress that is knee length while sitting. Pants can be blue, black, brown, or tan (no blue jeans). Dress shoes are preferred. Dresses can be of any color as long as it abides by the school dress code.

The fourth-grade band should go to the cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. with their instruments and music. The fourth-grade band will begin lining up in the hallway at 6:15. They will wait QUIETLY AND PATIENTLY to be called to the stage to set up and perform their portion of the concert, which will begin at approximately 6:40.

The fifth-grade band should go to the cafeteria at 6:25 p.m. with their instruments and music. The fifth-grade band will be lined up QUIETLY in the hallway at 6:50 until they are called to the stage to perform their portion of te concert at 7:00p.m.

If a band member is performing with the chorus, you can (1) have your parent/guardian hold your band instrument and music. (2) Students can put their instrument and music in the cafeteria and get it after they are done performing with the chorus. (3) There will also be some space on the sides of the stage to store instruments and music.

If a student is unable to attend the concert the parent/guardian should send a note, call, or email me to inform me of the student’s absence.

If there are any questions, I can be reached at  or by phone 302-284-5810, ext. 359   


Mr. Thomas Baione, Band Director