
Please Join Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC)!

Your input and perspective are needed to help strengthen the parent and staff partnership to support the mission and vision statements of the Lake Forest School District, which include academic, behavioral, and social-emotional.

What is the Parent Advisory Council (PAC)?

A diverse group of parents and staff that will advocate, educate, and work together in a safe, collaborative, and inclusive environment to discuss and advocate for our children’s academic, behavioral, and social-emotional concerns.

Mission Statement:
The parent advisory council is committed to:
1. Increase family/staff involvement.
2. Improve communication about PAC.
3. Discuss ways to improve our work with supporting the mission and vision statements of the    Lake Forest School District that include academic, behavioral, and social emotional.
4. Create opportunities for families and staff to share concerns and have their voices heard.

PAC's focus is to address student and family concerns in Lake Forest School District and contribute to the formation of our mission and vision to be the benchmark in education.

When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 

Where: Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 252 442 462 941

Passcode: ShWG9V

Contact: Shynell Formey, PAC Council Chair,
                        Toni Hendricks, PAC Council Co-Chair,

